Tag Archives: RANDO calrissian


So this week my plan is to write a three-part series on why the hell my head hurts so damn much (and why it seems to be getting worse). I’d like to get it all written and published this week, but I’m also not going to pretend like I have that kind of energy.

But here’s a neat little list of things that I’m enjoying the hell out of lately:


    It’s a little crack-like in its ability to time suck.

Cracked.comThis link here about combining In Rainbows and OK Computer to make the ultimate album that Radiohead meant to to be listened to together but made TEN YEARS APART. It’s kind of mind-blowing. (And lest you think I actually went through the trouble to make this happen in my earcans, you’re wrong. I’ve just been thinking about how cool it is.)

W.E.L.D.E.R. — Which is a word-building game that, like everything else in this post, can only be described as crack-like in its awesomeness. Download! Play!

Clementines. I CAN’T STOP EATING THESE. It’s not even a joke, y’all. If there’s a disease opposite scurvy, I’d have it.

And finally, I saw this today on mashable.com and I can watch it forever and laugh all day. ALL DAY.


What’s been cracklin’ in your life lately?