Who, now?

Photo by Kim Lowery.

Photo by Kim Lowery.

I graduated from Texas State University with an English degree (in Creative Writing) and I firmly believe my diploma is my license to make up words at will. I (used to) work in advertising and common logic (and my company’s social media policy) says said one shouldn’t mix the Web with work so I’ll just say I’m I was a proofing machine everywhere except here, where I (still) like to babble in long, incoherent sentences and split infinitives like checks.

I’ve traveled most of Europe (more so West than East) and I’ve lived in Cork, Berlin and Amsterdam. And Louisiana. (I will fight you if you try to tell me that’s not its own country.) I once pulled an intact obsidian blade from an excavation site in Romania that’s from the Aeneolithic-Bronze age, I’ve survived brain surgery, rode a mechanical bull in New Orleans and stabbed myself in the ass with my own knife. Not all at the same time.

I am fluent in several languages, but only in my sleep.

Read my alt-weekly writing for the Austin Chronicle here.

FACT: I’m 10 pounds more awesome on YouTube.

FACT: I’m here today because of a massive stroke of luck. I’m an aneurysm survivor.

New FACT: I’m pregnant. Please excuse the momentary pause in debauchery as I grow a little boy in my belly. (Due date: May 23, 2012.)

Updated FACT: Had that baby boy and OMG he’s awesome. Also, I’m no longer working in advertising so I should update that bio. And I will, but right now it’s more being in awe and snuggling the wee one like a proper first-time parent.

Even MORE Updated FACTS: Hi! I’m rescuing this blog from the despair of a WordPress file corruption. UPDATE YOUR WORDPRESS, FOLKS! I’m still hanging out with the little man, scribbling where I can and dipping my “Yes, And…” back in the pool. Life is good, y’all.

Ahem: You guys, I’ve had this blog for ELEVEN years! I drink much more champagne now than I do vodka, but ELEVEN YEARS! I think that deserves a toast. *CHEERS!*

28 thoughts on “Who, now?

  1. Nicole Russo

    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me. I truly appreciate it. I went to the neurosurgeon today and they basically said clipping is the way to go for me. I feel a little nervous, because of the size and shape they are not even 100% sure they can clip it, but it’s the best option of the bunch.
    You are very inspiring and I loved seeing your Youtube video and blog. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I am that strong. I am trying to be, but I am petrified about the surgery!
    I have so many questions, but I’m not sure where to start, so I give you a list if you don’t mind 🙂
    1. How long were you in the hospital?
    2. Can you feel the clip at all?
    3. Do you feel different since the surgery – for the better or worse?
    4. What does bi-lobed mean?
    5. Did you loose any of your memory, speech, etc…
    6. Did you need any rehab?
    7. On a selfish note, what is your scar like now that your 1 year out. I have a c-section scar and it still feels “weird”, almost numb. Is that what your scar is like?

    I hope I am not being to invasive, I am just so happy to talk to people that know what I am going through.
    Thank you again for sharing your story.

  2. admin Post author


    I don’t know if you check this, and I apologize for the delay in answering, life got a (LOT) little crazy.

    Here are my answers:

    1) I was in ICU for one night and in recovery for a few nights after. I was so ready to go home, and so thankful there were no complications that kept me there longer.
    2) I can’t feel the clip, but I can feel the raised part of my skull where the craniotomy was. There’s also a small bit of skull that’s raised in a tiny bump. No one can see this, but I can feel it if I play with my head.
    3) Physically, I’m still recovering. Mentally, too. But it’s been a year and I’m so much stronger than I was before. Emotionally, I feel different in that my gratitude and outlook have both been widened tremendously.
    4) Bi-lobed, in my case, means there was an aneurysm coming out of my aneurysm. Like when you blow a bubble out of your gum and another bubble comes out of the bubble. Like that.
    5) I did! There are some things that I don’t remember, right around my angiogram, but I blogged a lot and journaled a lot, and remembered that I forgot (remembered that I forgot, that’s a mouthful) only after rereading what I wrote. I have a brain scientist friend who says that this is common when you have trauma (not necessarily force trauma, but trauma of any kind) to your hippocampus, it can result in some memory loss. I didn’t forget anything severe, just a couple of occasions.
    6) I only needed rehab on my jaw, of all things. When I was intubated, my jaw alignment got jacked just a bit and I needed some PT to work it back into place. No other rehab, luckily.
    7) My scar is raised, but since it’s in my hair, no one can see it. It took almost the whole year to get full sensation back into that part of my head. The nerves go a little haywire trying to rewire themselves. But honestly, if you look at me, you’d never guess I had someone’s hand in my brains a year ago.

    GOOD LUCK. Ask me anything else you want and please keep me updated on your surgery!


    PS: Most of my surgery-related entries start in March of 2009 and go from there.


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