Contact Me

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35 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Arleen Melvin

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  2. Gabriel Riley

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  3. Mazie Corbo

    Are you trying to find powerful online promotion that has no per click costs and will get you new customers fast? Sorry to bug you on your contact form but actually that was kinda the point. We can send your ad message to sites via their contact pages just like you’re reading this ad right now. You can target by keyword or just fire off mass blasts to websites in the country of your choice. So let’s assume you want to blast an ad to all the plumbing companies in the United States, we’ll scrape websites for just those and post your advertisement to them. As long as you’re advertising something that’s relevant to that type of business then you’ll receive awesome results!

    Send a quick note to for details on how this works

  4. Charla

    Hey there

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    Best regards,

    Contact Me | Ink and Vodka

  5. Frank


    I thought I would mention that it looks like the word “embarassing” is spelled incorrectly on your website. I’ve seen some tools to help with problems like this such as or I just thought you should know!



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