Tokyo’s not far enough…

But strangely close to home.

I called an old friend tonight and talked for over an hour about life and times and people I haven’t seen and some that I don’t want to. I had a realization about my usual stance on “keeping up with high school friends”. I always thought it was sad to keep holding on to the past — I never understood why certain people who were friends still moved around in packs. I chastised this way of thinking as wrong somehow — looked down upon almost. This friend of mine runs with the same guys he ran around with in school. I never understood it. I developed a bad taste in my mouth about it.

But what’s wrong with it? If you had a happy high school experience and made genuine friends there, why is it wrong to remain close to them? Why is that ridiculed? Just because I didn’t have that experience? That’s stupid and self-righteous. Somehow if you make friends in College and stay close to them, that’s not looked down upon. Shouldn’t being happy be good enough? What’s the difference?

If you’re a girl and you live with your high school girlfriends and across from your male high school buddies — you have a must see TV show on NBC.

Anyway — I feel oddly better. Grounded. Stable in mind. Still cloudy in spirit — I can’t put my finger on exactly why though. It was just nice to talk to an old friend.

One thought on “Tokyo’s not far enough…

  1. ainjel

    *laughs at Bob Schneider*


    “If you had a happy high school experience and made genuine friends there, why is it wrong to remain close to them? Why is that ridiculed?”

    Envy, love. Don’t you hate it? I sometimes have actual feelings of HATE for people, just cause they can find happiness in simple, straight lives while we freak out about the big world we see around us, the one that goes on beyond Austin, beyond America, beyond the world…


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