Tag Archives: yumville

Chicken Fried Olives Stuffed with Pimento Cheese

For whatever reason, over the last 24 hours this page has skyrocked in new visitors searching for “Chicken Fried Olives.” Would you please leave a comment and let me know what’s behind the sudden upsurge?


You have not lived until you’ve noshed on a plate of these.

Chef David Bull’s new restaurant Second Bar + Kitchen serves these up, as well as the most ridiculous lip-smacking burgers, black truffle and pecorino fries; pulled pork pizzas and buffalo fried pickles in Austin. Even their ketchup is blog worthy — smoked tomato goodness, right there. UNF, NOM NOM TO THE MF NOM!

Whoa. Carried away a little.

I had the smallest dessert ever, which was a perfect offering of two bites of a perfect oatmeal cookie with foie gras buttercream sandwiched inside. It was dusted with powdered sugar and you’re on crack if you eat this and don’t think there’s a God in heaven smiling down on you at that very moment of blissed-out perfection.

And that’s not even getting into the drinks. You like the drinks at East Side Show Room? You’re going to LOVE the cocktails here.

Did I take any photos? Not a one. But Matt Chow over at NomNomNom.com has some great shots of the food.

All in, another perfect meal. Can’t wait to get in next door to try out the swanky eats at Congress proper!

Warm and Welcome

When I decided I couldn’t handle the Michael Pollan night, I passed on my tickets to a friend at work. It made me very happy that those seats weren’t going to be empty for the night and that someone else was getting the enlightenment and inspiration.

She surprised me today with three big take-home containers of “thank you” food. One creamless cream of broccoli, one turkey chili and one jerk chicken stew with rice. We had the latter for dinner and it was a welcome relief to come home, pop open a bottle of wine and reheat a home-cooked meal. Dinner was on the table in five minutes and every bite was grateful, welcome and warm. (And REALLY yum!)

There’s something to be said about the gift of a home-cooked meal. After feeling how much that took off our shoulders, especially during the busy Christmas season, it’s something I can’t wait to give back.

blogged about this kind of sharing/caring, with a giveaway for The Good Neighbor Cookbook. Hasn’t been released just yet, but I can see this on my shelf soon.

What kind of meals would you welcome?

Banana Cake with Banana Cream Cheese Frosting

I buy a lot of bananas with good one-a-day intentions and then end up with brown fruit that needs to be some sort of magical bread transforming. This (more often than not) doesn’t happen, but when it does, it’s always the same thing — banana nut bread.


I found this recipe on AllRecipes.com and gave it a shot, with a few tweaks that I gleaned from the comments. The reason I love AllRecipes.com in general isn’t so much for their recipes but for the wealth of information in the comments. It’s like a real-life test kitchen, with a dash of crazy, ornery and judgment thrown in for kicks.

Banana Cake with Banana Cream Cheese Frosting (adapted and tweaked for maximum nom)

(read on for recipe)
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Food Porn

I’ve really, really got to stop cruising food blogs like a lusty old perv wearing a trench, hanging out by the back racks in a XXX store. I mean, really. Last night I ordered this gem by Kim Boyce, all about baking with whole-grain flours simply because I LIKED THE WAY THE WEDNESDAY CHEF TALKED ABOUT A CAKE.

A couple of days ago I salivated on several food magazines at Book People the other day before bringing home America’s Test Kitchen 10-Year Special Issue, because the pictures were pretty. The pictures. I’ve flipped through this magazine several times since then, furtively getting a thrill, but not actually cooking anything.

And about an hour ago I bought two tickets to see Anthony Bourdain talk about his new book, Medium Raw. Just, you know, because. I seriously need to step away from the computer and put my check card back into my purse before someone gets hurt.

To be fair, this probably has a lot to do with that teeny, tiny little side effect of the brain medication that has completely taken away my appetite. I mean, in context, if I didn’t have nails I would probably pine for nail polish. So it goes, I want food — gorgeous, stunning, fabulous, amazing food — because my body doesn’t want food.

Am I cooking through all this? Not really. I baked one thing. Okay, I baked it a couple of times. I have come close to perfecting this fabulous recipe for Old-Fashioned Chocolate Cupcakes. They are seriously the most amazing cupcakes I’ve made, and I’m not even a fan of chocolate.

I need to branch out from cupcakes though. I’m turning into a one-act play. Wait, that’s not the analogy. It’s something else. A one-tune Tony? A one-trick playa? Oh that’s going to drive me mad.

What food blogs are making your stomachs rumble with gastronomical glee?