Tag Archives: Nola

Busy Bodies

Any of those pesky remaining gutterflies are getting crushed by my higher-self head fingers.

That’s the last I’ll ever say about that.

* * * * *

Oh look, THIS again.

green juice

Turns out the Depth Charge at The Daily Juice is 1000000x better than the green energy drink at Whole Foods.

1. It’s COLD. Serving this green muck up room temperature is an affront to humanity.
2. Well, actually there is no # 2, but listing just #1 doesn’t really work.

Apparently eating fast food and any/everything fried or covered in berries and cream for a couple of weeks straight isn’t very good for you. Did I say apparently? I meant, allegedly. So I’m feeding my body green muck because it’s good for me. Allegedly.

Things are looking up.

  • * Lonestar Deathstar won our match night and now it’s on to the FINALS on Saturday.
  • * Sold our iPhones for cash money on ebay and now there’s a fancy new bottle of Prada Candy that will shortly be MINE.
  • * Book two of A Song of Ice and Fire, Clash of Kings (AKA — A Game of Thrones, part two) is amazeballs.
  • * Bossypants, however, wasn’t.
  • * My sister SOLD the Armadillo and with that, goes a big NOLA memory.
  • * This means I’ll probably be visiting NOLA in the next few weeks to soak it in before it goes.
  • * Still not a passport vacation, though. And the lack of that still sucks.
  • * Deadlines are being rocked and names are being taken.
  • * Baked banana bread last night. Haven’t baked in MONTHS, so it’s kind of a big deal.

That’s about it. I’m working tonight and missing my improv class, but that’s what happens. Big girl pants, y’all.

This blog went out for a cigarette and never came back.*

Ink and Vodka. How could I have forgotten you for so long? Two of my favorite things in one webtastic manifestation of 1010001001s, sitting here barren since … well, way too long actually. I went from giving you a total rebrand (in concept) to completely walking away from you, leaving you to fend for clicks with the quiet promise of “No really, there will be an update … soon?”

It’s not that I haven’t been cooking. Or baking. Or shooting said cooking and baking. Or buying all the accoutrements and trappings of both. I have. Oh sweet maple syrup, I have!

And with that, I will make this pledge that I will post something every day, EVERY DAY from here on out. A link. A blog. A photo. A deal. Something.

Yes, yes, you’ve heard this before, but REALLY.

If I don’t, call me out on it.

Here and here.

I have one photo not on the camera. It’s the pumpkin pie I made for Thanksgiving with a Fleur de Lys top (The Saints played the Cowboys on T-day, WHO DAT doesn’t need to say who won?!). It was absolutely delicious and the only pumpkin pie I ever ate that I really, really liked. Instead of pre-packed pumpkin spice, I made my own on the advice of a Foodie at Whole Foods. A little bit of this, a little bit of that and a whole lot of New Orleans spirit.

*PS — Don’t smoke cigarettes. They screw with your tastebuds and there’s too much good food out there that deserve ALL of your tastebuds. Also, they kill.

Okay then.

I love nights that are better than days.

Today we learned:

* E is not having heart-related problems. Learned his arteries are way bigger than normal and now feels that his right to drink liquified butter and beer justified. God bless his (thankfully) properly functioning heart.

* Cleanliness is next to godliness. I spent most of today doing laundry and cleaning, as my sister called :fullhouse: on us today, only to turn over the rooms a full day early and come to the realization that my sister is really on crack.

Only in the metaphorical sense though, obviously.

* Seek and thou shall find.

W/ job at law firm not working out, got job waiting tables at The House of Blues. Sounds interesting, in the meantime anyway. Not bad for a day’s work.

My morning may have been clouded, but my night rocked.