Peaks and Valleys (Cake or Death?)

Friday was Roxanne’s funeral. The woman goes to lunch with a friend and gets hit by a truck. Too short, man. This life we live is too damn short. I think one of the most amazing testaments to a person’s life is how many people come at the end to pay respects to it. The church was packed, people were watching in the back rooms and standing in the back. When they rolled in her pink casket (I didn’t know they made pink caskets in grown up sizes) to Amazing Grace, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. This whole scenario is so messed up. I feel just awful for the family. Ron looked so devastated. And those two little girls. Heartbreaking.

I saw people I haven’t laid eyes on in 13 years. AOPi sisters. Alpha Love. Weddings and Funerals, reunitement catch-alls.


Friday evening was the TBG Christmas party. Girls in pretty pretty dresses and lots of whiskey and wine. I’ve developed quite the hankering for creamed horseradish. I blame the queen.

We taxied from the hotel to the Chronicle Christmas party, and got there right in time for the bars to close. Damn! But I got to see a bunch of folks I’ve missed terribly and squeeze some necks and wiggle a little to Detroit Steel.

To make up for carting half a dozen people to a dry party, I bought a lot of pitchers at Deep Eddy and caught up with more paper folks and got asked to dance by a strange mix of men (including one pushing 90). Something about being in a dive bar with a pink dress and stilettos, I suppose. After party at Daniel’s – 4 parts scotch, one laughing Amy and a man in character = v. small and cozy and funny.


Saturday brought Daniel’s cold into full swing. We slept in until the hunger got the best of us, then trekked to the best migas and menudo on the east side (jo’s). Followed that up with a little Christmas shopping. (1 down, 11 to go) Got Chinese takeaway and watched Eddie Izzard (he hadn’t seen the standup) and laughed and sneezed the night away. There’s something about watching old comedy standup. It was dated, but still funny. Maybe not as funny as I remembered, but hindsight roses up some memories. (Cake or Death?)


Dreams about underwire bras and elementary friends and being on the run and pesto pasta dishes. Clear headed dreams and a foggy morning. Strange little girls. Today it’s clean house day and catch up on reading day. I’ve got my next Chron assignment on the plate. Tori on the mix. Letters to write. Heady good stuff. NYE Evite to send.

4 thoughts on “Peaks and Valleys (Cake or Death?)

  1. Anonymous

    dint c ya

    musta left right b4 u got there.
    chron par t
    mickster was on crutches.
    she was jubilant.
    poor louis was not.

  2. Anonymous

    dint c ya

    musta left right b4 u got there.
    chron par t
    mickster was on crutches.
    she was jubilant.
    poor louis was not.


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