My “I don’t have to run” day …

God bless Sundays.

Last night was the Sagittarius wig party at the Peacock and Mer’s annual 50’s xmas party. Both had too many whiskeys on deck and were way too much fun. I love random wig nights and tap dancers and macaroni and cheese. I could have done without the jam band though. If I never hear a jam band again, it will be too soon. Anyway – there was much merriment and catching up and amusing anecdotes corner to corner. D & I met an astrologer who, upon hearing that D was a Gemini, started engaging me on “how Geminis are” – a conversation I’m pretty familiar with, thanks. Anyway, she was drunk and kept touching D’s legs and saying how handsome he was. If she wasn’t 55, we were going to have to have words! I really liked Mer’s place though (she also lives in the Pedernales) – it’s fitted complete with paper mache walls, tapestries hanging from the ceilings, a stage and a trapeze bar. I told D that if I were to go ahead and buy at Este, I would *so* want to decorate my place like hers. Only with a record player.

Daniel made me a full English breakfast this morning – soooooooo good. We listened to the Best of Public radio and snuggled on the couch until it was time for him to head into the office and me to go to church. (The church of friends, champagne and laughter is a hallowed hall, indeed.) I met Sadie at Taverna for too many mimosas and a much needed catch up about life, life at the Chronicle, and life in love. I’m so happy for the good things that are happening to her. It’s always better than good to hear good things happening to the people who deserve them the most.

I went to walk back to D’s place, but decided to stop in Mexi-Arte to see if Jaclyn was working. She was an ex-Chron classifieds girl, part hispanic, part Apache (like moi – minus my Lebanese, of course) and she was all flu-y and full of runny nose, but it was really good to catch up. I loved walking in on her, totally to her complete surprise, and seeing the look of confusion turn to recollection, followed by squealing and hugging. We chatted for awhile and she showed me the latest exhibit and we gossiped about love and work.

When I finally went to walk back to D’s, the weather had gotten colder so I flagged down a cab. The Best Taxi Ride Ever. The man drove really slow and asked me if I knew the secret to a lasting relationship. I gave him my learned interpretation, he gave me his and told me a story about the Brave Dancing Hippopotamus. Seriously – it was the best ride home money could pay for.

Now, I’m waiting for my love to get back. We’re heading to the Alamo for a night of movies, munchies and making out. Mmmm mmmmm! The best of the M’s, indeed.

17 thoughts on “My “I don’t have to run” day …

    1. admin

      ok, ok – everything BUT. I tried and tried to like it while I was there, but I couldn’t get past the consistency. Are you a fan?

      Oddly enough, I talked about you today. Jaclyn was talking about how she’s considering teaching abroad for a year.

    1. admin

      ok, ok – everything BUT. I tried and tried to like it while I was there, but I couldn’t get past the consistency. Are you a fan?

      Oddly enough, I talked about you today. Jaclyn was talking about how she’s considering teaching abroad for a year.

      1. http://www./

        Super photos Scott! Carly & Michael are a great couple and you’ve capture their humour & fun as well as their commitment to each other. The wedding in October will be a wonderful celebration – can’t wait!

      2. http://www./

        Another advantage is no grunting noise, just pure silence of the users of e-bikes, which themselves produce no emissions. In your bike’s battery to any outlet and get it recharged anywhere you are.

      3. line app

        Mais si ce « musulman revendiqué » n’est pas radical et s’il combat sincèrement le racisme sous toutes ses formes, pourquoi lui refuser la parole ?

    1. aouto insurnce Reston, VA

      Hi, not sure if it’s a bug or something I’m doing wrong with my project setup, but one of my projects no longer has working Go to Declaration functionality. The context menu option just doesn’t appear any more. This used to work for this project, and as far as I can see everything else is set up the same in thise one project as it is in all my other projects.Any idea what Go to Declaration relies upon in order to work? I’ve got all my include paths set in the Build > Compiling > Includes section…Thanks!


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