Wedding Stress

So we got our invitations in the mail – yay!

And then we got down to counting our guests. After family and wedding party, each of us has 16 people to invite.


Talk about getting the wind knocked out of your sails.

Talk about the very opposite of Yay!

I never wanted a big wedding. Now that I’m getting one anyway, it’s not the vision of seas of nearest and dearest. It’s family, wedding party, and 16 people. Not that those people aren’t nearest and dearest, but srsly – there are several sets of third cousins I don’t know very well who are on the list. And when you start penciling in everyone’s kids and the space.

Cause that’s what it is. We could feed and provide drinks for 50+ more, easy. But our space maxes out at 204. Like seriously maxes, no other possible way, we’re seating 10 tops long and close as is.

Sixteen. People.

I started crying when we came to the final list and have felt utterly gutted all day. Especially since I assumed there’d be more room and I have to backtrack my way into letting people know they can’t come. 🙁

Once we start getting some “No” Rsvps, we can start adding people back on.

Until then… sad faces all around.

46 thoughts on “Wedding Stress

          1. mediavixen

            oh. sorry I wasn’t asking about buding there..
            I just really was wondering how bug your wedding party was.
            For some reason I thought it was just like Ainjel and Rachel.
            I don’t know where my brains came up with that.

          2. admin

            oh –

            my MOH – rachel, BMs – Lexa, AE, Lisa, Jr BMs – Tina, Jess, Flower girl – youngest niece, ring bearer – Dan’s nephew. Then D’s groomsmen and BM, and their collective spouses & kids. Our lasso sponsors and our coins sponsors. Mothers, Fathers, Step-folks, etc. I’ll send you an email with a link of info. if you want…

          3. mediavixen

            email me info…
            I feel so out-of-the-loop.
            I know nothing about the wedding.

            and I just realized how many typos were in my last comment
            I must apologize

            um…what’s a “lasso sponsor” and a “coin sponsor”?
            I have been shooting weddings for 10 years and have never heard of either…it that a Texas thing? A Mexican thing? or an English thing?

          1. mediavixen

            oh. sorry I wasn’t asking about buding there..
            I just really was wondering how bug your wedding party was.
            For some reason I thought it was just like Ainjel and Rachel.
            I don’t know where my brains came up with that.

          2. admin

            oh –

            my MOH – rachel, BMs – Lexa, AE, Lisa, Jr BMs – Tina, Jess, Flower girl – youngest niece, ring bearer – Dan’s nephew. Then D’s groomsmen and BM, and their collective spouses & kids. Our lasso sponsors and our coins sponsors. Mothers, Fathers, Step-folks, etc. I’ll send you an email with a link of info. if you want…

          3. mediavixen

            email me info…
            I feel so out-of-the-loop.
            I know nothing about the wedding.

            and I just realized how many typos were in my last comment
            I must apologize

            um…what’s a “lasso sponsor” and a “coin sponsor”?
            I have been shooting weddings for 10 years and have never heard of either…it that a Texas thing? A Mexican thing? or an English thing?

  1. ainjel

    see, this is why i’m a bitch – i’d tell the third cousins to go buy their own dinner and invite my REAL family.

    hence why i’m getting married in vegas with just the b-girls and my mom, IF i ever get married.

    1. admin

      You’ll remember that I said this, “hence why i’m getting married in vegas with just the b-girls and my mom, IF i ever get married.”

      Like, for the last… what, 15 years?

      Le grand ole sigh…

  2. ainjel

    see, this is why i’m a bitch – i’d tell the third cousins to go buy their own dinner and invite my REAL family.

    hence why i’m getting married in vegas with just the b-girls and my mom, IF i ever get married.

    1. admin

      You’ll remember that I said this, “hence why i’m getting married in vegas with just the b-girls and my mom, IF i ever get married.”

      Like, for the last… what, 15 years?

      Le grand ole sigh…

  3. bettierage

    You can never ever please everyone…well ok you can try to please Mom… that seems imperative, and yourself.

    Your job is to show up smile and be the prettiest happiest girl for miles.
    That should be easy.

    Remember it is your day, you don’t have to answer to anyone and it is a celebration of awesome love!

  4. bettierage

    You can never ever please everyone…well ok you can try to please Mom… that seems imperative, and yourself.

    Your job is to show up smile and be the prettiest happiest girl for miles.
    That should be easy.

    Remember it is your day, you don’t have to answer to anyone and it is a celebration of awesome love!


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