The BIG Update

So it turns out that if you take being SO AWESOME to the extreme that I do, it’s bound to have side effects. All that testing — the MRI, MRA, CT and Angiogram all show with all certainty that I do, indeed, have a brain aneurysm hanging out in the left side of my chock-full o’ awesome brain.

And since I can’t do anything easy or normal, it just so happens that this aneurysm is not only a wide-necked little bugger (making coiling f’in impossible), it’s also nestled WAY DEEP in there and resting in my opthalmic artery. Making it difficult to get to, and worrying just about every damn medical and lay person I’ve come in contact with.

I haven’t been to work this week, and missed some of last week. I miss my work peeps like WHOA but even though this whole thing sucks ass, I’m doing surprisingly well. This must mean the sedatives are doing their job or I really am a hopeless optimist.

I’ve got people praying and sending good vibes and all of that wonderfulness. If you read this because we cool or if you read this because we ain’t, I could still use your positivity. The bigger committee I can get to lobby to God on my behalf, the better.

62 thoughts on “The BIG Update

  1. mediavixen

    we’re like the Beach Boys baby -good, good, good, good vibrations

    now stop crying
    me, not you

    you are a champ

    let me know if you need that bowl of hot cheese I awkwardly promised you on the phone
    cuz I will bring it

  2. mediavixen

    we’re like the Beach Boys baby -good, good, good, good vibrations

    now stop crying
    me, not you

    you are a champ

    let me know if you need that bowl of hot cheese I awkwardly promised you on the phone
    cuz I will bring it

    1. admin

      I have to laugh at myself or else I’d be all crying mcgee and no one wants to hear crying mcgee all crying and stuff.

      Thanks! 🙂

    1. admin

      I have to laugh at myself or else I’d be all crying mcgee and no one wants to hear crying mcgee all crying and stuff.

      Thanks! 🙂

  3. paddy_garcia

    Last lady I knew with an aneurysm came through with flying colors and a week later she met Stevie Wonder. Not that they were related, but still, you never know.

  4. paddy_garcia

    Last lady I knew with an aneurysm came through with flying colors and a week later she met Stevie Wonder. Not that they were related, but still, you never know.

  5. revrb

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~good healing vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    And a spin of that purple vinyl I got to you a while back. You hang in there, y’hear?

      1. revrb

        And a fist-pumpin’ booty-shakin’ hellz yeah to your quick recovery. {{{ T }}}

        ( That’s a hug….but it kinda looks like a shakin’ booty, doesn’t it? )

  6. revrb

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~good healing vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    And a spin of that purple vinyl I got to you a while back. You hang in there, y’hear?

      1. revrb

        And a fist-pumpin’ booty-shakin’ hellz yeah to your quick recovery. {{{ T }}}

        ( That’s a hug….but it kinda looks like a shakin’ booty, doesn’t it? )

  7. iamsam4eva

    I’m a little late on the update (indeed it was a BIG one)! You’ll be in my thoughts until this thing clears up and a healthy and positive decision is made. You have a big group of people who are here if you or Daniel need anything.

  8. iamsam4eva

    I’m a little late on the update (indeed it was a BIG one)! You’ll be in my thoughts until this thing clears up and a healthy and positive decision is made. You have a big group of people who are here if you or Daniel need anything.

  9. staveflyer

    I just wanted to say that you have all the positive thoughts I could possibly muster going in your direction! Also, I totally think you need some Tiff’s Treats for 2 reasons:
    1) Lobbyists send them all the time
    2) We deliver to Seton all the time

    Nothin’ but love, positivity and support for you, dear.

    1. admin

      thank you! I just now got the notification for this comment. Why is LJ so wonky?

      And I DO need TT! (Everyone in the world needs them!) But I’ll be at Brack, not Seton. I may have to make my man call in an order whilst I recover! 🙂

      1. staveflyer

        We deliver to Brachenridge tooooooo!
        Let me know what day you are recovering and I’ll bring you some myself. (If you’re ok with that of course!) Whatever you need, sweetie. 🙂

  10. staveflyer

    I just wanted to say that you have all the positive thoughts I could possibly muster going in your direction! Also, I totally think you need some Tiff’s Treats for 2 reasons:
    1) Lobbyists send them all the time
    2) We deliver to Seton all the time

    Nothin’ but love, positivity and support for you, dear.

    1. admin

      thank you! I just now got the notification for this comment. Why is LJ so wonky?

      And I DO need TT! (Everyone in the world needs them!) But I’ll be at Brack, not Seton. I may have to make my man call in an order whilst I recover! 🙂

      1. staveflyer

        We deliver to Brachenridge tooooooo!
        Let me know what day you are recovering and I’ll bring you some myself. (If you’re ok with that of course!) Whatever you need, sweetie. 🙂

  11. Pingback: Birthdays | Ink and Vodka

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