Tag Archives: ae


Yesterday for South-by-Skip-Lunch – Filter party followed by CMJ party. Good swag. Good laughs.


Last night was FAB. U. LOUS!! Ainjel played an amazing set (as usual) with the ultimate girl posse present (*not* the usual Thursday night) – AE, Bianca, Bex, Issa Jean, Amy and I were all revved up for some trouble…

Of the good kind. So we headed back to Casa D to doll a little, party a little and sip cocktails on the porch listening to Buttercup play at Hot Mama’s before we got in gear enough to head on back out. After the Pedernales experience, we loaded into the car (sans Bex and plus Mary) and our designated driver bumped some tunes and we got RIDICULOUS with our hootin’ and hollerin’ – seriously ridiculous.


We parked and headed downtown to cruise the boys (“It’s like a sample sale!”) and laugh it up. Favorite line of the night goes to Bianca – “Dear God! These boys throw up more than we do!”

Twiggy boys and mustaches. I’m still shaking my head.

Mag South for the usual late night tradition and then my head on the pillow right before 3.

UP AGAIN AT 7 sucked. But that’s okay. I’m living on rock fumes.


Today I went to the Puma/Urb party and rocked out to The Young Knives. Thus far, my favorite non-AE show.

Tonight – Jane Party followed by Iheartcomix followed by sleep followed by AE’s SUPER SHOWCASE SATURDAY.

Be there, bitches!


For real – that place is way too f’in big for it’s own good. We just got back from a liquor/beer/little smokies run (came right before the rain, left right in the middle of the torrent) and I’m still not over my sensory overdose.

And while I’m thankful it’s all the way in almost-not-Austin-it’s-so-far-South, so as to leave the big box stores to the suburbanites, it was still crazy mad to get out there. It’s a fact, people in Austin lose all ability to navigate in the rain. Why is that?

And why do I feel the need to wear super cute shoes every time it rains? It’s not like we’re a rainy city, yet every time the sky is about to piss, out come my fancy shmancy non-treated leather shoes.

Le grand whiny sigh…


Now, we’re off to Casa Garcia (South side proper) for ritas and fajitas and other things that rhyme with -itas and then to Cori’s Soul Train Bday Party. Fun Fun Fun!!

First, a shoe change.


2 DAYS until AE is back in A-TOWN!!


And lest I forget – if Home Slice gets any fucking cooler, it will implode. Pepperoni + mushroom + Lone Star = heaven!