
I have checked every web site I visit at least twice, randomly searched for nothing, did a crossword puzzle and stared out the window at the concrete ugliness of it all.

Each time I said “Ok, I think I’ll write now…”, I finished the thought by inserting another mind-numbing activity.

I was just telling Jessica how she’s a wonderful writer and needs to write. No excuses.

But for me, I have one readily available at my fingertips. Creativity is easily avoidable.

And pissy.

Creativity is a bitch.

My goal for the rest of the month is to work on the investigative church story questions, and get my samples together to pitch.

I don’t know how to do that.

Do you photocopy everything you have and send that? Or do you provide the copy as a Word document? Both? Neither? Help!

My favorite writing sample is a 2 page news spread on a band from “waybackwhen”. It’s impossible to photocopy.

Maybe I *am* supposed to just send the text copies out.

I go get the hair ripped out of my face at lunch. Ah…the joy of the wax.

7 thoughts on “Procrastination…

  1. archiedavis

    the best way to beat writers block is to go out and have a good time. a beer or so will usually reverse the ionization in the brain, which leads to greater creativity and mental acuity… any more and the brain slows down… which can lead to renewed creativity as well.

    that or do the ole stream of consciousness routine… fill about two pages with writing, nonstop, not censoring or trying to manipulate the words, only flowing with the natural course of them…

    if these two dont work, go out and have some rip roaring sex. if the first two dont get it, the last one will.

  2. jessicarobin

    Also it helps if you are in the upswing of a manic/depressive cycle.

    I love my friend who loves Star Trek.

    Did I ever tell you how wonderful she is?

    She likes to drink Romulan Ale and make her tongue turn blue.

    She might slap me if I spelled Romulan wrong…

  3. ainjel

    “Also it helps if you are in the upswing of a manic/depressive cycle. “

    When do you think is the only time I really get anything done?

  4. admin

    Blue Beer is Good Beer.

    Somebody thinks I’m wonderful! How cool is that!!

    Romulan Ale Rules. And you spelled it perfectly!

  5. admin

    Good Advice!

    First shot – Caffeine and train of thought writing.

    Second shot – beer with the bandmates post coffee brainstorming session.

    And if I don’t break the creativy barrier, than I’ll hit up your third piece of advice.

    Oh hell – like I need an excuse! ;>


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