Just call me Miss Cleo.

My big plan for the weekend was to go visit my folks. I don’t see them nearly enough, and they only live one and a half hours away, so it’s really ridiculous that I don’t go more often.

Because of the too many vodka tonics from the night before, B and I woke up way late — way, way, late — and I had to get on the road as fast as I could. I had a weird feeling though, like something wasn’t right. That this trip wasn’t going to happen.

I hate feelings like that.

So I’m a little over halfway there when B calls — turns out his keys were in my purse. I turned around and headed back to Austin, called my Mom who didn’t think it was a good idea for me to come after all of this, since I was going to have to turn right around in the morning and head back.

So I’m here. What’s weird about it is I *knew* I wasn’t going. I don’t know how to explain it, but I just knew this wasn’t going to happen. I thought my car would break down, or something like that, and it would prevent me from going.

I’m rambling. But things are weird in my head right now. I feel like I’m not where I’m supposed to be. That I missed something somewhere. Time is completely distorted — well not completely, just off.

Something is just off.

6 thoughts on “Just call me Miss Cleo.

    1. ainjel

      Oops. I was trying to edit and you can’t do that, so I deleted my comment.

      I said:

      Won’t you come be my manager and we can make some money and you can meet some musicians and start your own band and we can get a site going and you can start your zine…?


  1. admin

    Just last night someone else said ‘let’s go to New York!’

    Either coast would be fabulous…


  2. fractalthorn

    sounds to me like you really didnt want to go in the first place

    one never knows what demons haunt our subconscious

    its funny, sometimes the most important parts are the ones left unsaid

    like the first part
    “so it’s really ridiculous that I don’t go more often.”
    leaves the question left unsaid, where it probably should be investigated… is
    why is that so, that you dont go there more often



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