I’ll reach enlightenment, DAMMIT.

There are some weekends where good things happen to balance out some crap things. I take comfort in those. Especially on days like today where everything just makes you want to put your head under the covers and and go back to sleep.

So I’ll list them:

Armadillos in strange places — no seriously. That armored little guy traveled FAR.

My cowboy-boot wearing Englishman — because, awww. We’re no longer the first couple “out” on the first round of the “married longest” dance.

Boudin — nothing in the fried world competes with a perfect fried ball of boudin.

Strawberry cupcakes — especially when they’re totally random and made with love from Amycakes.L

Not losing an earring — finding the other one when you’ve convinced yourself it’s gone to one-earring heaven can make a girl cry sheer tears of joy.

These kick-ass shoes — I love them.

… You know what? I’m in a shit mood today. I’ve been trying all day not to be. That whole, “It’s my choice” thing? I’m trying. I’m really trying. Maybe I should go have a cup of tea. Listen to something upbeat. Shake off this funk.

Any tips? How do you shake off those mid-week blues?

2 thoughts on “I’ll reach enlightenment, DAMMIT.

  1. Issy

    I leave work or wherever I may be, and go for a walk with my favorite drink in hand (Half-moon latte from Summermoon) and my ipod on with some Tori. The key is to breathe!! And I really try not to think about anything at all. Not what makes me upset, not what makes me feel better, I just tune out my brain waves and tune in to the music.

    Or a stiff vodka soda with extra lime helps, too.

  2. walter

    well- coming from an optimist, I find it the best out of the worst situations. If I can not, then I resort to something the Germans call “schadenfruede.” Schadenfruede does not translate to anything else but the happiness you feel at others misfortune. For example, when you are on your patio looking out and you are watching someone trip on a sidewalk and you laugh.
    It’s not mean, but you find the humor in it and you are glad it wasn’t you.

    I hope this helps.


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