Houston …

… means that I’m one step closer to the U.K.

We’re chillin’ in the President’s Club. Being … holiday-like, having noontime cocktails and cheese and crackers and watching the planes go by.

(I should add a caveat to this and say Daniel is taking calls and being business-like and I’m blogging. Make of that what you like.)

I’ve been absent, again. I know you can’t properly raise a blog if you don’t tend to it because blogs are like plants and they need sun and people to talk to them and the miracle of photosynthesis and such.

What I’ve been doing in the meantime is: collecting cookbooks, untangling broken alliances, trying to defend my sudden! rapid! weight loss! from well-intentioned friends/co-workers/random strangers, working out how to get through the end of the brain-healing process (and the recent flood of emotions that were in queue waiting their turn to be handled), keeping my head above water for forty/fifty-two and trying to keep the cycle of DREAM/DO/DREAM/DO alive and (somewhat) in full-steam.

I haven’t baked a thing in weeks.

So …

Houston. Planes. A pen to paper journal, The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (Aimee Bender) to soften the eyes and an ocean’s length of noise cancellation.

This trip will be wonderful, it goes without saying how incredibly happy I’ll be to see family — it’s been far, far too long — but right now the long disconnect in the sky is what I’m looking forward to the most.

5 thoughts on “Houston …

    1. admin Post author

      It’s beautifully written, sad but beautiful and full. I love how she writes. I still think my favorite book of hers is An Invisible Sign of My Own. It made me feel like less of an oddball for my counting quirks.

  1. walter

    You are so right on all accounts.It seems that our lives are once again in sync. I hope that you never feel that you ever have to defend yourself to me about your “sudden! rapid! weight loss!” I understand the effects that medicines can have on the body. I am just so blessed to have such a wonderful person like you in my life! As for mending friendships, I feel that I have only just begun to understand what that word means. Let me tell you that the word “friends” and “family” are not that different. You are part of my family and will always be a part of my life!
    As for your blogging, keep it up! There is always someone reading your words. Just yesterday, I got an email to a response on a blog entry I did almost a year ago on another website. It reminded me that I just need to keep on doing what I enjoy, and that is writing!

    So I am raising my laptop to you and I am looking forward to your next entry.:)

    1. admin Post author

      Walter, you’re such a wonderful soul. Thanks for (always!) being there.

      I’m back in town. Let’s grab lunch/dinner/coffee/shopping/a movie this week?

  2. Issy

    That book sounds awesome with a little Como agua para chocolate thrown in! I think you look fabulous in your recent photos 😉

    Hooray for mending friendships and healing and all things good.

    Speaking of good, is this a bloody mary you are drinking because I’m about to get off work and….drooooooool


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