
Seriously – are they over yet?

I about fell over this afternoon at Hot Mama’s when someone said something about it being Tuesday the 9th. THE NINTH. wftftf?? Cori was all, “TUESDAY?” and I was all “9th?!?” and we collectively exhaled a very un-Keanu “whoa.”

Crazy. Crazy it’s been.

My bad ass big sister left after new years, but not before redecorating my place. Ainjel flew in NYE and this week raced by in a haze of partying, singing, and picture taking. I saw people I haven’t seen in too too long (JV! TVW! Sheboygan! (ex and current members!) Amy! Jking! SDX! PKE! San Marcos Jimmy!) I went bowling. And sucked. And I rarely suck at bowling. Good thing the guy was all “free bowling for you ladies” cause it would have hurt to pay for lots of suck bowling. There were long drives and short drives and a tempermental Professor (my truck) and a lot of coffee and 14368715609857690184509148501943860934680159376105986 renditions of “dick in a box.” There was shopping and trivial pursuit and an AE dinner and the green belt and chuy’s and romeo’s and Barton Springs Saloon and almost the peacock and JV’s bday and Rebecca stayed out past her bedtime and AE and I slept until 11 every single day. W&B like old times. This year will mark 14 years of friendship. 14 YEARS. That’s almost as old as she was when we started running together. We’re so going to be old ladies wearing purple and yelling at cars and clouds. But first, we will continue to rock.

So where was I? Yeah, NYE rocked. Except for the camera stealing part. (Asshole) The party was a wonderful success and there was dancing and toy guns and spy costumes and champagne at midnight and I kissed that gorgeous man of mine until I almost passed out.

AE’s awesome gig at Flip’s was awesome and SOLD OUT (suckers should have been there earlier)*** and she sang her brutal happy heart out and made us all so friggin proud and there was so much queso after and my words are all jumbled because there was SO MUCH HAPPENING!!

Bex and I dropped AE at the airport yesterday and I spent a chunk of today working on my article and manically finding a pot to replace the one I broke. Stupid clumsiness. My goal for the new year is to stop bumping into things and falling down and kicking my shins and breaking various pieces of glass. Also – I will stop using the word F***. Which if I succeed in goal 1, goal 2 should take care of itself.

So, yes. This has been a wonderful start to a new year. I had no idea we were 9 days in already. On my agenda next? Start looking for a job. Run more. Do more yoga. Cull my book collection. Start archiving words and photos like a maniac. Love more. Live more. Be more.

I sound like a cigarette ad.

*** LM – sooooooooo uncool for not showing up!! (meanface)

34 thoughts on “Holidaze

  1. ainjel

    “This year will mark 14 years of friendship. 14 YEARS. That’s almost as old as she was when we started running together.”

    i almost fell out of my chair when i read that!!!
    (good thing i’m already sitting on the floor) 😀

    i love how we can have this HUGE, AFFIRMING, TRANSFORMATIVE week together and it manages to be so… casual. awesome.

    i miss you guys. you should have seen my pathetic ass sobbin’ through the airport. i managed to console myself with some amy’s ice cream, though. coffee ice cream with butterfinger crush ins and hot fudge. it was happiness.

    two months… two months… two months….

    miss you!! love you!!

    1. admin

      I woke up today and got sad. I miss having you in the next room!!

      But ice cream is good and 2 months is better.

      This week was awesome. Miss you! The professor wants you to know he’s behaving better and it’s just the rain that makes him cranky, btw.

  2. ainjel

    “This year will mark 14 years of friendship. 14 YEARS. That’s almost as old as she was when we started running together.”

    i almost fell out of my chair when i read that!!!
    (good thing i’m already sitting on the floor) 😀

    i love how we can have this HUGE, AFFIRMING, TRANSFORMATIVE week together and it manages to be so… casual. awesome.

    i miss you guys. you should have seen my pathetic ass sobbin’ through the airport. i managed to console myself with some amy’s ice cream, though. coffee ice cream with butterfinger crush ins and hot fudge. it was happiness.

    two months… two months… two months….

    miss you!! love you!!

    1. admin

      I woke up today and got sad. I miss having you in the next room!!

      But ice cream is good and 2 months is better.

      This week was awesome. Miss you! The professor wants you to know he’s behaving better and it’s just the rain that makes him cranky, btw.

  3. deaconray

    whew, I just posted something forgetting HTML rules and it LJ went CRAZY. And it was funny too. Moving, touching, slightly disturbing, maybe the Fear and Loathing of LJ comments. Oh well, here are the cliff notes:

    1. Wish I coulda made party
    2. Gimmie old books!!!
    3. Gimmie MY books back (if you’re done w/them)
    4. Terry = Cool

    and not in the post but should have been:

    5. Swing by some time and meet the handsome little 8-month old kitten that lets me stay in my house. He loves everybody and wants to tell them so individually.

    Stay Terry!

    1. admin

      1 – you missed a good one!
      2 – ok!
      3 – yes. which ones were they again??
      4 – hell yeah!
      5 – most def. Where do you live again and when are you not working?

  4. deaconray

    whew, I just posted something forgetting HTML rules and it LJ went CRAZY. And it was funny too. Moving, touching, slightly disturbing, maybe the Fear and Loathing of LJ comments. Oh well, here are the cliff notes:

    1. Wish I coulda made party
    2. Gimmie old books!!!
    3. Gimmie MY books back (if you’re done w/them)
    4. Terry = Cool

    and not in the post but should have been:

    5. Swing by some time and meet the handsome little 8-month old kitten that lets me stay in my house. He loves everybody and wants to tell them so individually.

    Stay Terry!

    1. admin

      1 – you missed a good one!
      2 – ok!
      3 – yes. which ones were they again??
      4 – hell yeah!
      5 – most def. Where do you live again and when are you not working?


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