“All of the Lights”

Two posts in one day? Not hardly. But back-to-back postings? YES.

Look at this GIANT photo of this healthy crap I forced myself to drink. It looks toxic. It tastes toxic. It’s supposed to be good for me.

CLEANSING SUCKS. Also, mental note, if your cleansing routine means eating whole, natural foods, staying away from dairy and meat and caffeine and sugar and alcohol, try not to go out for antelope tartare while sucking back Harvey Wallbangers after class with Lindsay. Just sayin’.

I have more things to say about improv. Deal with it.

Last week I took a group workshop taught by Craig Uhlir, who plays/teaches at Second City and IO in Chicago and has an all-around reputation for hilarity and improv-awesomeness. Whenever I take workshops (and I’m a bit of a workshopaholic) I’m always nervous about who else is taking it, whether I’m bringing the class down by being the least-experienced improvisor, whether I’m going to be shamed and berated for breaking improv, etc.

This particular workshop was exactly this, times 129,033. Because not only were most of participants graduates and regular, incredible performers in their own right, my instructors were taking the workshop. Krilov from level one, (the! most! excellent!) Ratliff from level two (and who am I kidding, pretty much most of level three) and Coldtowne faculty I haven’t even met yet.

It was a four-hour workshop, which I didn’t realize (I kept waiting for him to cut us off, every few minutes, after the two-hour mark) and I learned so much.

But you know, the thing with me learning so much? I STILL IMMEDIATELY FORGET. Ugh with this goldfish memory bringing me down all the time. I took notes as soon as I could (hello nifty, new journal shout out!), but I could actually feel important things slipping away as I was trying to get it all down.

What stuck with me:

    If you’re nervous, think about group work in fractions. If there are six of you on stage, you’re responsible for 1/6. (Hey look, MATH IN REAL LIFE.)

    If a scene is happening (in my case, this pretty much applies to shows and exercises, too.), think about it like a freight train. The longer you wait, the faster it goes by, making it that much harder to get on board. (Pretty much JUMP, THEN JUSTIFY.)

DOING this is such an essential part of this work. I can talk about it, write about it, read about it all day, but until I DO it, it’s nothing.

Everything from nothing, jump then justify, yes and — these are essentially the keys. This, and supporting your team.

So, that being said, in class last week Michael put in a call for volunteers for the Sit-ins. I’m doing it.

Today, Ed asked if I wanted to sit in on Dr. Doctor this weekend. I’m doing it. (Double the panic, double the pain.)

I may fall down (literally, you all know how clumsy I am), I may fry, I may break improv. But I’m going to DO until I don’t.

4 thoughts on ““All of the Lights”

  1. Jeremy

    You will not break improv, you may fall down, you won’t fry, you will be awesome! And I will be running tech as well so I’ll make you look good. Now, when are you going to talk about Troupon and how we’re Jastroch’s favorite group name?

    Also, I was in the workshop and I am neither a graduate nor an incredible performer, so you had some company!

    1. admin Post author

      See? This is what I’m talking about — support. Thanks, Jeremy.

      Also! You have so much more experience and you come across as brave and unafraid on stage, so even though you haven’t graduated officially, you’re up there making great things happen. So THERE. 😛

      Troupon to come. I need to screencap that Jastroch comment! lol

  2. Kayla Lane

    Oh Terry, Terry, Terry. I love you so much. I always enjoy reading your posts and talking to you about improv because I feel like we are in similar places on our journey. Your insecurities are the same ones I have. (Bill Arnett workshop next weekend? I am totally freaking out, and for all the same reasons!)

    However, you’re super talented and passionate. No need to fret!

    We still need to do coffee/food/etc sometime soon. Ok? 😉

    1. admin Post author

      KAY—LAAAA!! I’m glad you can relate. I feel less “out there on a ledge” that way.

      I was JUST thinking about you yesterday when I was walking around my building. I was all, “Hey! Somewhere within like, a BLOCK, is the lovely Ms. Freeman. We’re supposed to grab a coffee…”

      I can not WAIT until the Bill Arnett workshop. Are you taking the long one or the short one? Are you taking the Jill Bernard one in August? I’m trying to sign up for that now.


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