Your shirt is see-through and you’re wearing last season’s boobs.

Oh the wacky www. With all its… wackiness.

* * *

So I used the $$ from the Regina tix to buy some vintage hardboard placemats on le ebay. They’re the most awesome ones in all the land of internetdom. Trust me, even bugivshort agrees they’re the least suckiest of all the choices available. And she’s got the thumb on the pulse of the whole style thing.

I spent the rest, on lotto tickets. Stylish lotto tickets.

Okay, not really.

* * *

I talked to my best girl on the phone and when she asked a simple question about a bridesmaid dress I kind of wigged out in the hyperventilating kind of way b/c I can’t even *think* bridesmaids dresses when 1) I haven’t even found my wedding dresses (that’s right, two.) or 2) asked all of my bridal party to BE in the wedding.

Deep breaths.

* * *

deadlines deadlines deadlines.
I think I waited as long as possible now and have left myself with nothing but balls-to-the-wall anxiety to fuel my pitch. I know I work best under pressure, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD can I just finish something before the eleventh hour for ONCE?

Just once. Come on!

* * *

D comes back on Saturday. He got to hear President Clinton talk today in Chicago. So awesome. Know what’s decidedly not awesome? Half the bed being cold w/o him.

That’s okay. He left me with the world’s grumpiest cat to keep me warm.

And by “keep me warm” I clearly mean glaring at me from across the room and spontaneously vomiting.

24 thoughts on “Your shirt is see-through and you’re wearing last season’s boobs.

    1. admin

      My anxiety level is now at BLOW THE FUCK UP red. I get to spend the next X hours until I get off of work sustaining this level of OMGZ. Then I will stare at my laptop and will the witty to jump out of my head and onto the screen.

    1. admin

      My anxiety level is now at BLOW THE FUCK UP red. I get to spend the next X hours until I get off of work sustaining this level of OMGZ. Then I will stare at my laptop and will the witty to jump out of my head and onto the screen.

  1. mediavixen

    And by “keep me warm” I clearly mean glaring at me from across the room and spontaneously vomiting.

    This almost made me spntaneaously vomit.
    I love that crazy cat.

    1. admin

      Re: And by “keep me warm” I clearly mean glaring at me from across the room and spontaneously vomiti

      You’re the only one who does. I mean, besides Daniel and all.

      You can totally have him. You’re “cat people”, he’s a cat. He doesn’t want to be stuck in a dryer. I want to stick him in a dryer. It’s a win-win situation for everyone! 🙂

      Once I move in, all bets are off though. He may or may not accidentally get locked outside.

      And by outside, I mean outside my car door on a dark country road.

      I’m just sayin’…

  2. mediavixen

    And by “keep me warm” I clearly mean glaring at me from across the room and spontaneously vomiting.

    This almost made me spntaneaously vomit.
    I love that crazy cat.

    1. admin

      Re: And by “keep me warm” I clearly mean glaring at me from across the room and spontaneously vomiti

      You’re the only one who does. I mean, besides Daniel and all.

      You can totally have him. You’re “cat people”, he’s a cat. He doesn’t want to be stuck in a dryer. I want to stick him in a dryer. It’s a win-win situation for everyone! 🙂

      Once I move in, all bets are off though. He may or may not accidentally get locked outside.

      And by outside, I mean outside my car door on a dark country road.

      I’m just sayin’…

  3. bleachedred

    deadlines… oh boy do i understand. and you understand deadlines.

    see, that’s the thing with people like us. it’s how we function. pushing the deadline. stressing ourselves out. and the truth is, even if you weren’t waiting til the 11th hour, you would still be freaking out.

    so deep breath!!! 🙂 you have roughly 5 months… 21.5 weeks… that’s 150 days… 3600 hours… 216000 minutes!! plenty of time.

    also… spontaneous puke. haha

    1. admin

      except for the assignment at hand, I have the rest of tonight to finish 3 sample columns to pitch to the brass.

      I think I need to start drinking now.

  4. bleachedred

    deadlines… oh boy do i understand. and you understand deadlines.

    see, that’s the thing with people like us. it’s how we function. pushing the deadline. stressing ourselves out. and the truth is, even if you weren’t waiting til the 11th hour, you would still be freaking out.

    so deep breath!!! 🙂 you have roughly 5 months… 21.5 weeks… that’s 150 days… 3600 hours… 216000 minutes!! plenty of time.

    also… spontaneous puke. haha

    1. admin

      except for the assignment at hand, I have the rest of tonight to finish 3 sample columns to pitch to the brass.

      I think I need to start drinking now.

  5. Anonymous

    Ok you vented. Now you should totally take a deep breath and be enjoying all of this more.
    Your columns are going to rock. You can stop sweating it now.

    You get to buy two dresses. That should be kind of fun. If you want I can follow you around with a glass of wine to sip from inbetween putting on really big dresses. or something.

    It seems like you need to MAKE time to relax. Seems crazy to most but I have to SCHEDULE RELAX time (they usually invovle bubbly baths..but that is my thing). I think it just happens for some people or that could be an urban legend.

  6. Anonymous

    Ok you vented. Now you should totally take a deep breath and be enjoying all of this more.
    Your columns are going to rock. You can stop sweating it now.

    You get to buy two dresses. That should be kind of fun. If you want I can follow you around with a glass of wine to sip from inbetween putting on really big dresses. or something.

    It seems like you need to MAKE time to relax. Seems crazy to most but I have to SCHEDULE RELAX time (they usually invovle bubbly baths..but that is my thing). I think it just happens for some people or that could be an urban legend.

    1. admin

      Someone tell that bitch to be cool!



      I need to relax and I know that and I only get spastic for brief intervals and then I’m okay because I’m ignoring it, which is silly.

      I’m happy. And I’m healthy. And I’m surrounded by people I love who love me. I’m really not “woe is me” – I’m more “Woe is…WTF AM I GOING TO WEAR?!”


    1. admin

      Someone tell that bitch to be cool!



      I need to relax and I know that and I only get spastic for brief intervals and then I’m okay because I’m ignoring it, which is silly.

      I’m happy. And I’m healthy. And I’m surrounded by people I love who love me. I’m really not “woe is me” – I’m more “Woe is…WTF AM I GOING TO WEAR?!”



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